Caring for cuts
Cuts can be caused by a knife or even a sheet of paper: the skin is penetrated by a sharp object; usually on the hand or a finger. Follow the treatment steps below, which are based on NHS recommendations:
Apply a sterile adhesive dressing, such as one of the specialized wound dressings below.
The dressing can be changed daily if necessary or whenever it becomes wet or dirty. Keep the wound dry by using waterproof dressings, which will allow you to take showers.
Most cuts are minor and can be dealt with at home. A visit to the doctor is necessary, however, if the cut
Many common wounds can be dealt with at home. But when should a doctor be consulted? Scroll down for more information!
Elastic and adhesive first aid dressings for minor wounds, cuts or abrasions.
Waterproof yet breathable dressing for minor wounds helps to prevent infection.
Topical, adhesive strips for the atraumatic closure of small wounds.